Thursday, March 18, 2010

18 March 2010

Evil Eye Key Chain: $8.95
Since watching Zorba the Greek the other night I've been in a Greek-y kind of mood. I made the sadly Mexican-ized version of my favorite Orzo with Feta, Tomato and Spinach Salad today (subbing in small pasta shells for orzo, cotija for feta, and some sort of weird yellow orange citrus thing for lemon zest, but it was close enough). I think an evil eye accessory of some sort would top off the mood well. Tu-su!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

17 March 2010

Adjustable Handlebar Mustache Ring: $8

In honor of the renewal of spring and Saint Patrick's Day and whatever other cause you'd like to throw in there, I'm coming clean and revising my concept. Because really now, projects born from New Year's resolutions are about productivity and creation and self-improvement, and not so much about feeling like a gigantic failure for being two and a half weeks behind in the drawing department. Because, I've got to admit, things happen. Visitors come to town, long weekends are spent at the beach, English schools need tending to. And I would like to stop beating myself up for periodically having a life, and just enjoy my moments as they come. Also, it feels a little off-kilter with the intent of the project to be racking my brain and searching the interwebs for something I could want, and then come to terms with wanting it in my post-consumerist way. What the hell am I saying? I'm still drawing shit I want that I'm not buying, just maybe not every single day. Tah dah! 

Oh, and get a load of that ring, huh? If you can't grow an ironic handlebar mustache of your own, now your ring finger can. What can't humanity do?

Friday, March 12, 2010

20 February 2010

Stripey Socks: 12 pounds (for real?)

I like stripey socks. I would like some new ones. I'll probably indulge and buy myself some cheap-o ones while in the north, but definitely no fancy-pancy 12 pound British ones like I drew here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

19 February 2010

Cute Jacket: $37.95

I have a feeling that I never look completely put-together, try as I may (or may not, most of the time). It may be due in part to the percentage of my wardrobe that is made up of t-shirt and sneakers, but I think that a cute little jacket like this on top of a t-shirt, with some jeans and sneakers, would maybe work? Somebody nominate me for What Not To Wear, already, and help a girl out. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

18 February 2010

Pedicure: $25

I'm not much of a girly girl, but man, I love me a good pedicure. It occurs to me that I actually probably wouldn't know a really good pedicure if it walked up to me and asked me out to dinner, as I've been partial to the slightly ghetto-fabulous pedicures given at Chicago Nails, featuring nice Vietnamese ladies that I imagine are chattering to each other about the embarrassing hairiness of my toes while wielding those razor thingies that shave off callouses and leave your feet oh-so-soft but I think are technically illegal now. Something about hepatitis. Anyhoo, I've found nothing quite as glorious to do after a particularly harrowing shift waiting tables on the Mag Mile, than to get a Chicago Nails pedicure, then walk carefully over to Pippen's for a pint or two of Newcastle in dive bar heaven.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

17 February 2010

Veggie Bacon: $5

Vegetarians fall into two camps re: meat substitutes, and when I was one, I fell distinctly into the group of those who happily made fake bologna sandwiches, although I drew the line at putting soy cheese on them. And now, as a reluctant omnivore, I still crave the crispy, salty, non-pork goodness of the Morningstar Farm Bacon-esque Strips.

16 February 2010

Spicy Tuna Roll: $5

I'm on an Asian food craving kick, apparently. There is a lot of sushi here, but unfortunately it's not so hot, and tends to be overpriced. Luis bought a "Sushi For Dummies" book a while back, so we make it for ourselves more often than we eat it out. However, the only fish we've ever used was some white fish, bought in the typical Mexican-small-town fashion, from Luis' cousin with a fish farm. It was fresh, but it wasn't no spicy tuna.