Tuesday, January 12, 2010

11 January 2010

Pint of Newcastle: $5

There's an upside and a downside to beer consumption in Mexico, as there is with everything, I suppose. On the plus side, it's really cheap, around a buck a beer, even at bars, and there's a magical service here in town called Bucket Express (which I think would be a mad success in the Midwest).  You call a phone number, and about 20 minutes later a kid on a moped shows up with a 5 gallon plastic bucket, filled with 20 beers and ice, with a little bottle opener stuck to the side. And then he comes back the next day for the empties. Magical, no?

The downside: 90 percent of the beer you'll find is Corona. Two types, Corona Clara (Light Corona) and Corona Obscura (Dark Corona). Don't let that obscura fool you, as much as people assure me otherwise, it's Corona Clara in a brown bottle. It tastes exactly the same as the light, which isn't that great to begin with. What I'm saying is that although the beer is plentiful and cheap, it's not exactly a dark beer fan's paradise. And when one has a hankering for a Newcastle, one is kinda stuck with it.


  1. Sadly, it's $5 a pop in the UK too...you'd think it would be different.

  2. sara, lovin' this project so far.

    i recently recieved my case of newcastle ($14.20 for 4 six packs of bottles) from diplomatic duty free, one of the better purchases i've made recently.

    but, bucket express does sounds sorta awesome.

  3. Braden - Hi!

    First, I just read about your mom's piece; tell her I'm so proud of her, and that the painting is beautiful!
    And second, I'm very jealous of your incredibly wise conversion of $14.20 into 24 bottles of love.
    Thanks for the love!

    Shara- I would put a little sad face here re: your Newcastle experience, but I'm anti-emoticon.
